DaCCA program
DaCCA program which is being supported by Sustainable Energy(SE),Denmark through DANIDA fund, has been empowering the vulnerable communities with relevant skills which has been helping them push for devolution and natural resources governance in Kisumu , Homabay and Migori counties .The programme is based on a Theory of Change (ToC), which seeks to have an increasingly qualified CSO sector that works closely with the most vulnerable groups (right-holders)and duty bearers on climate change adaptation interventions .
The program is hugely advocacy in nature and takes advantage of the possibilities appearing in the new constitution (2010) introducing devolved governance at both political and administrative levels. Besides, it is also being implemented within the realms of the climate change act of 2016, which provides a good opportunity for county governments to engage and develop their own climate change policies which will in turn increase climate change investments in the 3 counties.
Overall objective
The immediate objective of DaCCA program is: vulnerable populations in Kisumu, Homabay and Migori Counties at risk of natural hazard caused by climate change are increasingly supported by policies and programs sponsored through the devolution fund.
- Community Adaptation Action Plans (CAAPs) including best practice models negotiated and have obtained funding and/or co-funding from local authorities and/or available community funding mechanisms.
2.Communities understanding of their rights to be involved in LA budget hearings according to the Public Participation as embedded in the Constitution of Kenya (2010) has been strengthened