Food and nutritional security

Promotion of diversification of farm enterprises and adaption to climate change through use of appropriate technologies/ practices like drought tolerant, early maturing and disease resistant crop varieties, and livestock production


i. Decrease of the hunger months from 6-5 to 2-0 months per year in the
targeted programme areas
ii. Mitigation of the impact of HIV & AIDS by promoting the
consumption of high nutrition organic indigenous products.
iii. Enhancement of the community’s skills to process, add value and
market the farm production.
iv. Reduction of monoculture practice by 30% in the sugarcane growing
areas of Muhoroni and Chemelil.
v. Reduction in malnutrition among children due to consumption of dairy
goat milk, honey and vegetables grown in household kitchen gardens
vi. Introduction of dry-land farming to enhance adaptation to climate
vii. Introduction of dairy-goat production to 146 household in Kisumu